Bariatric Surgery in Hyderabad

Obesity is a pressing global health issue characterized by an excessive accumulation of body fat. It increases the risk of numerous diseases and certain types of cancer. Data from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5), India shows:

  •  About 23% of Indian men and 24% of women have a BMI of 25 or higher
  • This marks a 4% rise in both genders since 2015-16
  • Experts predict this number could triple by 2040

Dr. Harikiran Chekuri, the founder of Redefine Clinic, a reputed weight loss clinic in Hyderabad, says:

“Treating obesity is complex because it involves genetic factors, environmental influences, and psychological aspects. This is where bariatric surgery comes into play. It’s a recognized and effective intervention for severe obesity. It offers weight loss and significant improvements in obesity-related conditions.”

Dr. Chekuri is well-known for providing various life-changing procedures, including bariatric surgery in Hyderabad.

Meet the Doctor

Dr. Harikiran Chekuri is a distinguished weight loss doctor in Hyderabad with 20+ years of expertise in aesthetic procedures. He addresses the root causes of obesity, empowering patients to lead healthier lives. His commitment to excellence has made him a sought-after figure for weight loss treatment in Hyderabad. Dr. Chekuri specializes in transformative slimming procedures like:

Our Clinic – Redefine Clinic is an award-winning plastic surgery and weight loss center catering to a diverse clientele. Here, patients receive tailored treatments in a comfortable, advanced atmosphere for their transformative journey.

Body Contouring

Are you seeking effective surgical options for weight loss treatment in Hyderabad? Bariatric surgery could be the life-changing solution you’ve been searching for. Consult a qualified weight loss doctor for support and guidance.

Bariatric surgery isn’t just about losing weight! It’s about reclaiming your health, vitality, and confidence.

Benefits & Importance of Bariatric Surgery

Body Contouring
Body Contouring

Bariatric surgery might be the key to unlocking a healthier, happier you. Here’s why:

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Bariatric surgery restricts food intake and reduces calorie intake, leading to effective weight loss.

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It often results in the improvement of obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes.

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With significant weight loss, bariatric surgery can provide newfound freedom of movement.

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It improves personal relationships and empowers individuals to pursue their goals and live life to the fullest.

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The procedure can lead to long-term weight loss success when combined with lifestyle changes.

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Bariatric surgery reduces the risk of premature death, extending lifespan and improving health outcomes.

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Surgeons tailor the procedure to each patient’s individual needs and health goals.

Bariatric surgery programs at Redefine Clinic provide comprehensive care, from pre-operative education to post-operative support. Dr. Harikiran Chekuri and his highly skilled team help patients achieve and maintain their weight loss goals. This includes dietary guidance, exercise programs, psychological support, and regular follow-up appointments.

Let’s explore the types of bariatric surgeries offered at Redefine – a reputable weight loss clinic in Hyderabad.

Transform Your Life: Bariatric Procedures & Techniques at Redefine Clinic

Dr. Chekuri, a seasoned weight loss doctor in Hyderabad, explains:

“At Redefine Clinic, we offer various types of bariatric surgeries, with each option working differently. They either reduce the stomach size or change how you digest food. The procedures help patients achieve long-term weight loss and manage obesity-related health conditions.”

Gastric Bypass

Body Lift

Gastric bypass surgery involves creating a small pouch from the stomach and connecting it directly to the small intestine. By bypassing a portion of the stomach and intestine, gastric bypass surgery restricts your food intake. The reduction in calorie absorption leads to substantial weight loss.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Body Lift

The surgeon removes a significant portion of the patient’s stomach, leaving behind a banana-shaped sleeve. This lowers the stomach’s capacity and decreases the production of hunger-inducing hormones. It helps patients feel full faster and consume fewer calories, resulting in significant weight loss.

Gastric Banding

Body Lift

Gastric Banding, or laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, is a less invasive technique. The surgeon places a silicone band around the upper portion of the stomach, creating a small pouch. The band can be adjusted to control the size of the opening to the rest of the stomach. This allows for gradual weight loss by limiting food intake.

The Doctor’s Approach

At Redefine weight loss clinic in Hyderabad, our comprehensive care ensures you receive expert medical guidance and compassionate support throughout your weight loss journey.

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Your journey begins with an in-depth consultation where Dr. Chekuri assesses your health history, discusses your weight loss goals, and explains the surgical options.

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Diagnostic Tests

We conduct a series of diagnostic tests, including blood work and imaging studies, to evaluate your health.

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Personalized Treatment Plan

Based on the consultation and test results, the doctor develops a customized treatment plan to address your unique health needs and weight loss goals.

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Surgical Expertise

Dr. Chekuri’s extensive experience and precision in performing weight loss surgeries ensure you receive excellent care.

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Comprehensive Aftercare

Post-operative care includes regular follow-up appointments, nutritional guidance, and support to help you adapt to your new lifestyle and dietary changes, ensuring long-term success.

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Ongoing Support

We provide continuous support through access to support groups, counseling services, and ongoing education.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier future? Take the first step towards a new beginning today.

Curious about the financial aspect of bariatric surgery? Explore below to discover the estimated costs of various procedures in Hyderabad.

Bariatric Surgery Cost in Hyderabad

The bariatric surgery cost in Hyderabad can vary depending on the procedure type and the specific hospital or clinic.

Surgery Type

Minimum Cost (₹)

Maximum Cost (₹)

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding



Sleeve Gastrectomy



Gastric Bypass




In addition to the surgery costs, other expenses can add several thousand rupees to the total:

  • Pre-surgery costs (including hormonal tests, USG scans, and BMR tests)
  • Post-surgery costs (including medication and consultations)
  • Each hospital may also have different charges for room stays and post-operative care.

These costs can vary based on the patient’s condition, the surgeon’s fees, and the specific hospital’s pricing policies.

Would you like to have more accurate estimates for your weight loss journey? Please consult directly with certified weight loss experts for bariatric surgery in Hyderabad.

Bariatric Surgery in Hyderabad: Our Success Rates & Results

 Success Rates & Results
 Success Rates & Results

Hyderabad has emerged as a medical excellence hub, particularly in bariatric surgery specialties. Redefine Clinic stands out among the options available for its remarkable success rates and patient outcomes.

Our dedicated team, led by Dr. Harikiran Chekuri, delivers exceptional outcomes in weight loss procedures

Looking for exceptional bariatric surgery in Hyderabad? Here’s why patients choose Redefine Clinic:

Why Choose Redefine Clinic for Bariatric Surgery in Hyderabad?


Expertise and Experience

Redefine Clinic boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced weight loss specialists. With decades of combined expertise, these professionals employ the latest surgical techniques to ensure safety and effectiveness.


Personalized Care

Understanding each patient’s journey to weight loss is unique. At Redefine, we provide individualized care plans tailored to each patient’s health needs and weight loss goals.


State-of-the-Art Facilities

The clinic has cutting-edge medical technologies and surgical equipment to provide high-quality care. These facilities help deliver safer options, reduce recovery time, and improve outcomes.


Comprehensive Support

From initial consultations to post-operative care, our dedicated team offers comprehensive support to our patients. This includes nutritional counseling, psychological support, and physical therapy for successful weight loss after bariatric surgery.


Proven Results

Our success rates in bariatric surgeries are a testament to the efficacy of our procedures and the expertise of our team. Patients consistently achieve sustainable weight loss and improvements in obesity-related conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea.

Success Rates

Wondering what others have experienced? Please keep reading to see patient testimonials and hear their success stories.

Patient Testimonials

“Obesity affected every aspect of my life, from climbing stairs to playing with my children. I felt trapped in my own body. After undergoing a gastric sleeve procedure at Redefine Clinic, I have lost 85 pounds and gained an incredible amount of energy. The personalized care and support from the team were phenomenal. Heartfelt thanks to Dr. Chekuri and team.”

– Priya’s Story

“Being overweight was not just a physical issue for me; it was a mental battle as well. The laparoscopic gastric bypass at Redefine Clinic was a turning point in my life. It wasn’t easy, but I managed to lose over 100 pounds and drastically improve my mental health. It wouldn’t have been possible without the clinic’s comprehensive support.”

Arjun’s Transformation

“My weight was a ticking bomb for my health, with severe diabetes and heart risks. The weight loss team at Redefine Clinic helped me understand the importance of surgical intervention. Post my surgery, I’ve lost 75 pounds, and my diabetes is well under control. The journey was tough but worth every effort. I am deeply grateful for the expertise and support of the entire Redefine team.”

– Sunita’s Journey

Are you ready to achieve your own success story with bariatric surgery in Hyderabad? Reach out to a dedicated specialist today. Begin your journey to a healthier, happier life.

 Have questions about the procedures or recovery process? Check out our FAQ section for detailed answers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a gastric sleeve and a gastric bypass?
  • Gastric sleeve surgery involves removing a portion of the stomach to reduce its size, thus limiting food intake.
  • Gastric bypass not only reduces the stomach size but also reroutes the intestines. This leads to significant changes in digestive processes and rapid weight loss.
How long does recovery take after bariatric surgery?

Recovery time can vary based on the surgery type and the patient’s health. Most patients return to normal activities within 2 to 4 weeks post-surgery, but full surgical recovery may take up to 6 weeks.

Are there any dietary restrictions after bariatric surgery?

Yes, patients must adhere to strict dietary guidelines that help the stomach heal and adjust to its new size. The doctor will recommend starting with liquid diets, progressing to pureed foods, and then to solid foods.

What are the risks associated with bariatric surgery?

Like any major surgery, bariatric surgery carries some risks, including infections, bleeding, and anesthesia-related complications. Long-term risks include nutritional deficiencies and the need for revision surgeries.

Can bariatric surgery cure obesity?

Bariatric surgery is a powerful tool for weight loss and can significantly improve obesity-related conditions. The long-term success of the surgery depends on the patient’s commitment to a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise.

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